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Southfields Academy

Southfields Academy

Information for Year 11 Parents

Applying to join Southfields Academy Sixth Form

We are currently inviting our Year 11 students to apply to join students to apply to join Year 12.  Our aim is to keep parents/carers fully informed about the process and to equip you so that you can support your child with the important choices they are facing.

All of our Year 11 students are encouraged to join our Sixth Form and our retention rate is way above the national average.  We have an excellent track record with our students achieving outstanding results, with many gaining places at their first choice universities.

We are the second-largest Sixth Form in Wandsworth and, as such, we are able to offer a wider range of academic and vocational subjects than most.  Obviously, students can apply elsewhere too, but we try to guarantee a place in our Sixth Form for as many of our Year 11 students as possible.  Our experience has shown that students who stay with us settle into Sixth Form life more quickly and do better academically.  They know the school, the teachers and, importantly for students, their friends are here, although we do have around 100 external students join each year too.

Our courses

We offer more than 40 different courses at a range of different levels, some of which are only available in the Sixth Form, such as Psychology and Economics.  A full list of courses can be found on the Academy website.

Course entry requirements

In order to study A Levels, students need to achieve at least five GCSEs (including Mathematics and English Language) at grade 5 or above.  Some A level subjects require students to gain grades 6 or 7 in certain subjects.  For example, Mathematics A Level requires students to achieve a grade 7 in Mathematics GCSE.

In order to study Level 3 vocational courses, students need to achieve at least five GCSEs (including Mathematics and English Language) at grade 4 or above.

Level 1 and 2 programmes of study are available to students who have a good attendance and punctuality record and have a positive attitude towards their learning inside and outside the school.  Most students who study these subjects will not have achieved a grade 4 in Mathematics and/or English Language.

Careers and destinations

We offer a comprehensive careers programme to support all our learners.  Our goal is that all our Sixth Form students go onto a positive destination.  Some will get jobs, some will start apprenticeships and some will go to university.

Underpinning our careers provision is our use of guest speakers.  This includes many ex-students who have gone onto achieve great things in their lives.

Our record speaks for itself, which is why so many of our students choose to stay with us for Sixth Form.

Here's how the application process works:

During November and December:

  • A member of the Sixth Form teach will visit every tutor group and students will be able to ask questions about possible course choices and progression routes.
  • Students will apply to join the sixth form online.  We always set aside some dedicated PSHE time for this, where students receive help and guidance.

During January:

  • The deadline for applying is December.
  • Note: During the course of Year 11, students often change their minds.  This is absolutely fine - course choice changes are allowed at any time during this academic year.  

During February/March/April and August:

  • Over these three months, all Year 11 students who have applied to join the Sixth Form will be interviewed by a senior member of staff.  This gives students the chance to discuss their course choices and ask any questions they may have.
  • Shortly after this interview, students will be sent offer letters.
  • Second interviews will take place on GCSE results day or the day after.

If you have any questions regarding applying to the Sixth Form, please contact your son's/daughter's tutor.